Posts tagged shoot


A few weeks ago I saw several photos of a model simply warped in material an light with only one key light. The simplicity of it really appealed to my so I decided to do something similar. Alica  and I had planed to shoot together last year but due to complications it unfortunately never happened, so I took this opportunity to catch up.


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Soft-Box VS Beauty-Dish

Last Monday nights shoot idea was based around using one key light in the same position. I didn’t want to change the position, power output or the aperture of my camera, simply change the light-modifiers to have a 100% comparison between Soft-Box VS Beauty-Dish.



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Palm Valley

Last month Tom started to get the lightGIANTS friday night shoots back into motion. Local band “Palm Valley” needed new photos after recently changeing their line up, so it was perfect timing.





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Picture of Dorian Gray

This week I continued my Monday night studio project with Vincent as model and Stephanie as guest  photographer. A few months ago Vincent suggested a shoot based on Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. I jumped at the chance to do this shoot as the concept fitted will to a few ideas I have had floating around in the back of my head for a while now. It also bought back memories of when I read the book during a backpacking trip from Sydney to Perth way back in the mid 90’s. The concept behind this shoot was then to portray a journey of self destruction through light and lens choice, I also wanted to keep the lighting at around constant f8 (we actually shoot between f7.1 and 9) so that there was a continuation look and feel through out the night.



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This time the Friday night shoot was called Apocalipstick, it was a kind of mix up of a variety of themes e.g Kill Bill, Tank-Girl, Serenity, Sucker-Punch etc. My concept behind the look for the models was “I want you… I want to kill you”


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A few weeks ago I went to Edinburgh with Tom for a long weekend of whisky tasting and photography. We also met up with Jannis and Laura who were travelling around  France and Scotland…

Basically we spent most the time walking around drinking, eating and taking photos. I knew there were a lot of cemeteries in Edinburgh but I just didn’t quite realise exactly how many. I had been to Edinburgh about 10 years ago, so I had a basic idea of where I wanted to go and what to expect. But found that exploring all the alley ways and hidden little pubs was like slipping into an other world, and was content just simply to continue exploring, drinking, eating and taking photos

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